Friday, February 14, 2020

Global Economy and Transnational Corporations Essay

Global Economy and Transnational Corporations - Essay Example If Reich’s theory is valid, then the role of the government is creating competitiveness for the nation is by being the custodians of the economy as opposed to being just regulators. In this case, the government must seek to develop the national capital through promoting education and through policies. Peter Dicken (2010) however seems to disagree with Reich’s look of the global economy and argues that the global economy can be measured by the way the multinational or transnational firms are operating. He argues that TNC (Transnational Corporations) are the barometers for a global economy. The dilemmas with this theory are that it does not take into attention some factors such as these multinationals do not necessarily pledge their economic allegiance to the nations where they are, but only consider where their best interest is safeguarded. However, it is important in that the presence of a multinational in a country may be an indication of an economy that is doing well. A good example can be seen in China and India which are doing very well economically after so many western multinationals moved their business to these nations. If this theory is valid, then it means that the role of the government is regulatory as opposed to being the custodians of the economy. Alfred Chandler (1977) seems to be in congruence with Peter Dicken. This is because he argues that the world economy is affected by the hierarchy of management in private businesses. This is also contrary to what Robert Reich postured with regard to the wealth of nations, or work of nations. According to Alfred Chandler, the middle management has converted Adam Smith’s invisible hand into a visible hand and now the wealth of nations is not created from the invisible hands that amount from everyone in the economy working together, but that the middle management in firms is the ones who drive the wealth of nations. The advantage of this theory is that it may not explain some situations such as in developing nations where the economy and industries are not as structured as in the developed nations.  Ã‚  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Discuss a detail information of the movie Rossie the Riveter Essay

Discuss a detail information of the movie Rossie the Riveter - Essay Example The American culture, for the most part, had seen the ideal of womanhood as staying home and raising the children. Most women did not work outside the home. Those who did had limited opportunities. In 1910 in the United States, more than one third of employed women were maids or house servants. However, during World War II, it became the woman’s responsibility to pick up the industrial work. It was seen as the woman’s duty to support the men at war. They were expected to work in war factories, building ships and planes. â€Å"Rosie the Riveter† portrays 5 women’s firsthand accounts of working in Detroit, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco during World War II. All the women stated that they were led to feel like they had to do their part for their husbands, brothers, and sons off at war. The movie showed government propaganda created to persuade women to work, such as television commercials that compared using machinery to using a sewing machine. Some women were enticed to work in war factories by their patriotisms, others by the hope of making good money. However, all struggled with long grueling days and inequality. Women were still not paid the same as the men who had previously done the same jobs. The movie â€Å"Rosie the Riveter† even states women were often better at these jobs because of their precision and small hands. There women, however, weren’t paid the same as men. African Americans have faced discrimination in the United States, based on their race for centuries. Discrimination based on race was prevalent during World War II. Race, much like gender, is a socially constructed category. Race refers to difference in human physical characteristics used to categorize a large group, in this case African Americans. â€Å"Rosie the Riveter† portrays how African American women were discriminated against in the workplace. The movie discusses how black women made less than white women doing the same job, equally well. Inequality was not just faced at the financial level. Black women were often not given as good of jobs as white women. One African American woman in the â€Å"Rosie the Riveter† discusses about how she went for a job along with three white women. The shipyard gave all three of the white women jobs and then told her that there were no more jobs left for her. Black women also faced discrimination among other female workers. The one woman in the movie discussed how a black woman was not allowed to use the showers at the factory. This was because some of the white women did not want to share a bathroom with and African American. This caused such a problem that no one was allowed to use showers anymore. Throughout World War II, the housework and the children were still seen as the women’s duty. Women were encouraged to work, but they were not excused from the housework or the children. Women were putting in long grueling days at the factories. Hey were then p utting in long grueling nights at home. Women were working twelve-hour days in the factory. They were then going home and doing all the housework, including the care of the children. One woman in â€Å"Rosie the Riveter† describes how she lived with her husband’s family. She would work all day at the factory, the same one as her brother-in-law. However, she had to come home and cook. She made dinner for everyone and then cleaned up afterwards. Her brother-in-law laid on the couch and